Veterans law is constantly shifting, as new laws are passed by Congress, the VA issues regulations, and the Court of Veterans Claims and Board of Veterans' Appeals issue decisions.
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Insect Infestation Leads to Poor Medical Care for LA VetsAs Los Angeles Hospital Faces Insect Infestation, Veterans Don’t Receive the Care They Are Entitled To; We Can Win LA Vets the Benefits they Deserve
Agent Orange Exposure Benefits for Blue Water NavyAfter Years of Resistance, House Moves Forward with Legislation to Provide Agent Orange Exposure Benefits to Blue Water Navy; We Can Help Vets Win Benefits Now
New Initiative Seeks to Improve Research About TBIs in WomenAs Research on TBIs in Women Improves, We Fight to Win Disability Benefits for Those Affected.
As MST Reports Rise, We Win Survivors Benefits They DeserveWe Are Here to Fight on Behalf of Military Sexual Trauma Survivors and Win Them the Benefits They Deserve
Disruption in VA Leadership Causes Sprawling ChaosWhen Political Drama Causes Harm on the Ground: How Instability Among VA Leadership Has Affected Key VA Staff, and, Consequently, Veterans, Nationwide.
New Bill Seeks to Curb Suicide, Homelessness, UnemploymentHow One Couple is Working to Improve the Transition Assistance Program; How Veterans With PTSD, Anxiety, or Depression Can Receive Benefits
Research Shows TBIs Increase Risk of Parkinson’s DiseaseHow Veterans with a TBI Can Prevent Parkinson’s Disease and Win Disability Benefits
VA Will Reimburse Adoption ExpensesVeterans with Service Connected Disabilities Causing Infertility are Entitled to Benefits and Reimbursement of Adoption Expenses – How You Can Win Both
VA Study Asks: Can Service Dogs Help Veterans with PTSD?Among Promising Evidence, VA Moves Forward with Study to Assess Benefits of Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD; VA Also Provides Disability Benefits for PTSD.
Former Secretary Shulkin Concerned for Future of VAWhat the VA’s Change in Leadership Means for Veterans’ Care
Sting Operation Reveals Housing Discrimination Against VetsA Sting Operation By the Washington State Attorney General's Office Reveals Discrimination Against Veteran Applicants; TDIU May Help Reduce Homelessness
Top Ranking Aide Encourages VA Secretary’s ResignationAide John Ullyot Allegedly Attempted to Encourage Lawmakers to Push for VA Secretary Shulkin's Resignation