Knowing the right forms to fill out is pertinent to receiving your benefits from the US Veterans Affairs Department. Below, you'll find a breakdown of the most common forms our clients fill out. If you need assistance either figuring out the correct form or filling it out, be sure to contact our VA benefits team.

VA Exam Forms

Artery Vein DBQ

Ankle Conditions DBQ

Back Spine Conditions DBQ

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome DBQ

Diabetes Mellitus DBQ

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy DBQ

Ear Conditions DBQ

Elbow Forearm Conditions DBQ

Esophageal Conditions DBQ

Fibromyalgia DBQ

Foot Conditions DBQ

Headaches Migraines DBQ

Heart Conditions DBQ

Hematologic Lymphatic Conditions DBQ

Hypertension DBQ

Individual Unemployability Statement

Initial Evaluation of Residuals of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Disability DBQ

Intestinal Conditions DBQ

Kidney Conditions DBQ

Knee Lower Leg Conditions DBQ

Loss of Smell Taste DBQ

Medical Opinion DBQ

Mental Disorders Except PTSD and Eating Disorders DBQ

Mental Health Disorder DBQ - Unemployability Statement

Male Reproductive Organ Conditions DBQ

Neck Cervical Spine Conditions DBQ

Other Endocrine Diseases DBQ

Parkinson's Disease DBQ

Peripheral Nerves Conditions DBQ


Seizure Disorders Epilepsy DBQ

Shoulder Arm Conditions DBQ

Sinusitis Rhinitis Other Nose Throat Larynx Pharynx Conditions DBQ

Skin Diseases DBQ

Sleep Apnea DBQ

Thyroid Parathyroid DBQ

Urinary Tract Conditions DBQ

Wrist Conditions DBQ

Appeal Forms

VA Form 10182 - Notice of Disagreement to BVA

VA Form 20-0995 - Supplemental Claim

VA Form 20-0996 - Higher Level Review

Unemployability Forms

VA Form 21-4192 - Request for Employment Information in Connection With Claim for Disability Benefits

VA Form 21-8940 - Veteran's Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability

Miscellaneous Forms

VA Form 21-0966 - Intent to File

VA Form 21-2680 - Housebound or Aid and Attendance

VA Form 21-4138 - Statement in Support of Claim

VA Form 21-4142a - Medical Release - Doctor List

VA Form 21-4142 - Medical Release

VA Form 21-526EZ - New Claim

VA Form 21-686c - Add and/or Remove Dependents

VA Form 21-10210 - Lay Statement