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Court Win: Board Must Explain Why Widow Was Not Entitled to BenefitsCAVC judge orders remand because the Board of Veterans' Appeals failed to adequately explain why a widow did not qualify as a surviving spouse.
Precedential Decision Invalidates Part of VA Regulation, Gives Veteran Opportunity for More BenefitsDecision Invalidates Part of VA Regulation, Veteran granted an additional Opportunity for More Benefits.
VA Forced to Research Veteran’s PTSD Claim after Court WinIn July 2018, the Board issued a decision that denied service connection for PTSD. New evidence suggests otherwise
Research Suggests: Appeal Your Board DecisionNew research shows that the Board's decision accuracy rates of 93-95% are questionable.
Court Win for Vietnam War Veteran’s Widow Thailand Herbicide Exposure CaseCAVC Case No. 18-3981 Win for Vietnam War Veteran’s Widow – Thailand Herbicide Exposure
Firm's Win for Widow Whose Husband Died of Bile Duct CancerA VA benefits lawyer at the Law Office of Sean Kendall proved Service Connection for a widow who lost her Veteran husband to bile duct cancer secondary to parasite exposure.
Survey Says More Post-9/11 Veterans Are Experiencing PTSDSurvey of post-9/11 veterans shows a higher number of veterans reporting PTSD symptoms.
Attorney Franklin Wins COPD Claim Secondary to PTSD at BVA Leading to Grant of TDIU for VeteranTimothy Franklin wins CODP claim secondary to PTSD at Board of Veterans Appeals and also wins TDIU for Vietnam Veteran
VA Reviewing All MST Claims Denied Between October 2016 and June 2018A recent report shows VA staff incorrectly denied 49% of all MST cases. VA is reviewing all military sexual trauma denials between October 2016 and June 2018.
What That Confusing Letter From VA Really MeansDespite what a confusing letter you may have received fro VA says, opting into RAMP does not mean that your appeal is "withdrawn" or "discontinued."
Sean Kendall’s Win for an Army Veteran with PTSDWhen an Army Veteran with PTSD Was Denied Benefits Three Times, Sean Kendall Stepped In
Sean Kendall Wins TDIU Benefits for a Veteran with PTSD/MSTSean Kendall Won Unemployability Benefits for a Homeless Veteran with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Secondary to Military Sexual Trauma