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Take Advantage of Texas-Specific Veterans BenefitsState benefits for Veterans living in Texas range from a hefty property tax exemption to certain discounts and education benefits.
How US Veterans Can Receive VA Disability Benefits for HypertensionIf you are a Veteran with service-connected hypertension, you may qualify for disability compensation. Contact an experienced attorney to find out more.
VA Disability for Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Veterans Guide to Prove Service ConnectionCan Veterans get VA Disability for Erectile Dysfunction? In this guide, our experienced VA Benefits Attorneys can help you to claim the compensation you deserve
What Men Need to Know About Receiving VA Disability Benefits for Military Sexual TraumaMilitary sexual trauma (MST) can have a lasting impact on a man’s life. Learn what you need to know to file for VA disability benefits.
Getting VA Disability Benefits for Prostate Cancer From Agent Orange ExposureVeterans exposed to Agent Orange receive a presumptive service connection for prostate cancer, but their disability rating depends on several different factors.
Multiple Myeloma Is Linked to Agent Orange ExposureVeterans who were exposed to Agent Orange can qualify for a presumptive service connection if they were later diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
Receiving a Presumptive Service Connection for Illnesses Linked to Serving in AfghanistanDisabled Veterans who served in Afghanistan may qualify for a presumptive service connection for several different types of serious illnesses.
Receiving VA Disability Benefits for Gulf War Illnesses Linked to Serving in Southwest AsiaReceiving VA benefits for Gulf War illnesses can be challenging. Learn more about the presumptive service connection requirements.
How Veterans Can Receive VA Disability Benefits for Hearing LossMany Veterans struggle with the effects of hearing loss. Learn how this affects your claim for VA disability benefits.
How Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange Can Receive VA Disability Benefits for HypothyroidismVeterans who were exposed to Agent Orange can receive a presumptive service connection for hypothyroidism. Learn how this affects your VA disability claim.
Caregiver Benefits May Increase Your Family's VA Payments
Possible Ratings for a Service-Connected Traumatic Brain InjuryThere are several possible ratings that can be applied to a service-connected TBI. Learn how this affects your VA disability claim.