See below for important links to forms and hotlines for veterans. Relevant updates within the VA system and information related to veteran's law can also be found below.

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Receiving TDIU Benefits for PTSDVeterans with severe PTSD may be eligible to receive TDIU benefits if their condition prevents them from working.
A Look at the Connection Between PTSD and Sleep ApneaPTSD can often lead to sleep apnea, which creates additional challenges for a disabled Veteran. Learn how this affects your VA disability benefits.
Understanding the Difference Between Combat Stress and PTSDCombat stress and PTSD are often confused. Learn the difference and how to protect your right to VA disability benefits for PTSD.
What You Need to Know About Service-Connected PTSDService-connected PTSD is common among Veterans who have been exposed to life-threatening situations as part of their military service.
Guidelines to Upgrading Discharges based on PTSDDischarge Upgrades are available to veterans with bad discharges due to conduct caused by PTSD. New Department of Defense Guidelines.
Guidelines from Department of Defense of Upgrade of Discharges based on PTSD in Service
Sean Kendall wins Death due to heart disease secondary to PTSD
Treatment Model for PTSD at Denver VAMC
PTSD Brochure from the VAPTSD brochure from the VA, which includes important information about diagnosis, treatment, and symptoms.
Study Shows Link Between PTSD and Sleep ApneaStudy Shows that PTSD and Sleep Apnea Have a Complicated Relationship; They Are Linked, And Having One Limits the Treatment of the Other.
Elements of a Claim for PTSDElements of a claim for PTSD. The VA has recently changed its rules regarding PTSD cases.