A bill to make it more difficult to uphold the discharges soldiers based on PTSD acquired in the service has been introduced by two Congressmen that are combat veterans of OEF/OIF. The military has discharged many Veterans on the basis of misbehavior or personality disorders or other mental health issues which are actually the symptoms of combat aquired post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI). A memo from the Secretary of Defense has requird the discharge review boards to take liberal consideraton of PTSD and TBI being the underlying reason for the discharge from the service. The bill would give the so called Hagel memorandum the force of law.
So, if you suffer from service-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and VA is denying you entitlement to disability benefits due to an other-than-honorable discharge, do not hesitate to contact the office of Attorney Sean Kendalltoday at (877) 629-1712.