Sean Kendall Veterans Law Firm
Posted on Mar 25, 2013

Butler, Pa. VA Offers Multiple Programs

Some Veterans live many miles from a VA medical center, making visits to the doctor an all day event. Others with chronic conditions require constant monitoring but opt to stay at home rather than in the hospital.

In both cases, VA’s Telehealth can provide greater access to health care through the use of telecommunications and videoconferencing. VA patients are finding Telehealth to be just what they need to receive personalized care from their VA medical center.

The Veterans Health Administration is the nation’s leader in Telehealth technologies, which means doctors and patients can meet for health services without physically being in the same place.

For instance, Clinical Video Telehealth (CVT) gives patients and providers the opportunity to conduct several aspects of medical examinations that do not require in-person visits. Veterans are able to visit a VA clinic near their home, connect to medical centers through videoconferencing, and transfer medical information by way of specially-designed telecommunications equipment

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