Unemployability is Very Real

In this case, decided in January 2011, the BVA raised my client's rating from 30 to 70 percent for PTSD, and remanded to the Regional Office for them to consider whether he should be paid at the 100 percent level for unemployability.

Case Study

In this case, though every VA and private doctor agreed that a 30 percent rating was too low, the VA Regional Office continued to deny more than a 30 percent rating.  This veteran had filed for an increased rating many times, but never had an attorney.  We got involved, filed his appeals, obtained medical opinions, and won the case.  The Board granting the increase from 30 to 70 was a clear message to the Regional Office to grant the unemployability claim, which they did after further development.

My message to veterans from this case; don't give up, appeal to Washington DC, and get good help. 

Not only should you involve a lawyer when your claim is denied, but you should also hire one who is experienced and knowledgeable in the VA claims process. Talk to us today, fill out a brief form or give us a call (303) 848-3911