Applying for disability benefits can often be a challenge for Veterans. The application process can be complicated and it is easy to get discouraged, but learning some tips and tricks from our Veterans benefits attorney can not only improve your chances of a positive outcome but can simplify the process as well.

VA Disability Tips and Tricks

Getting a diagnosis is the first step in the disability claims process. You will want to make sure that the doctor giving you the diagnosis is a VA-approved medical professional. At your doctor’s appointment, be honest and upfront and discuss any symptoms you are currently experiencing as well as any you had during your time in service. Keep in mind that to Veteran Filling Out Disability Benefits Paperworkbe approved for disability benefits, there must be an established service connection. You will want to follow your doctor’s recommended treatment for your specific condition and take any prescribed medications.

After a diagnosis is made, you can begin the application process for disability benefits. When applying for benefits, keep the following tips and tricks in mind:

  • Add as much detail as possible as to how your disability occurred and describe the details of the incident leading up to your condition.
  • Mention what you are not able to do due to your medical condition and symptoms. If you have lost a job or are unable to work, you will want to describe the impact that has on you financially.
  • If you have a mental disability such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression, be sure you add that to your application. Do not leave out anything that can be used for your case.
  • Provide enough evidence to support your claims, such as medical records, service treatment records, and anything else relevant to your condition.
  • To improve your disability rating, you will want to include all secondary service-connected conditions when applying for benefits. If you have more than one service-connected disability, you are more likely to get a higher rating.
  • Provide buddy statements from those who served with you to support your claim by describing the event that took place and caused your service-related condition. You can also include statements from friends, family, and others who can confirm that your condition has worsened since you returned from service. 
  • Attend the Compensation and Pension exam (C&P exam). A C&P exam is ordered by the VA to assess the severity of the Veteran’s symptoms. If you fail to attend, your claim will be denied.
  • Obtain a copy of your claim file to make sure that it contains all the necessary evidence to prove your disability claim.

Filing an Appeal

You have the right to file an appeal if your claim is denied. A Veterans benefits attorney can help you with the appeal process and prove your case. An attorney can also make sure that you have enough evidence for the appeal and file the appeal within the required timeframe.  

If you are a Veteran who needs help applying for benefits or appealing a denied claim, contact the office of Sean Kendall, Attorney-at-Law, for a free, no-obligation consultation. We will work to protect your legal rights and help maximize the benefits you deserve. Call us today at 877-629-1712 or use our online contact form to find out more.


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