Generalized Anxiety Disorder Puzzle PiecesGeneralized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a physical disability common among Veterans. It can cause a person to have excessive, persistent worrying that can interfere with everyday activities and cause both physical and psychological symptoms, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Problems with sleep
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches
  • Pain in the shoulders, neck, and back

Those who suffer from GAD may have difficulties controlling their worrying and anxiety and may be overly concerned with their health, finances, family, and job. When GAD makes it challenging to work or perform daily activities, a Veteran may qualify for disability benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the condition. Contacting a disability attorney can help you understand if you are eligible for compensation and what to do to get the total amount of benefits you deserve.

VA Disability Ratings for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The VA uses the diagnostic code 9400 to rate generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders. The ratings are as follows:

  • 100 percent. This is the highest rating for anxiety and is awarded if the Veteran is totally disabled due to anxiety and suffers from severe symptoms of GAD, causing them to be unable to work. They may have attempted suicide, have hallucinations, be in danger of hurting themselves or others, be disoriented, or have problems with memory.
  • 70 percent. This rating is given if the Veteran is suffering from anxiety that affects all areas of life such as work, family, and school and causes them to have thoughts of suicide, compulsive behavior, impaired impulse control, violent behavior, or a lack of personal hygiene.
  • 50 percent. This rating is given if the Veteran has regular impairment at work and socially and has symptoms that happen more frequently, such as panic attacks occurring more than once a week or has impaired judgment or memory problems.
  • 30 percent. This rating is given if the Veteran’s anxiety symptoms are causing an occasional decline in work and social functions and they cannot perform specific tasks due to various symptoms.
  • 10 percent. This rating is given if the Veteran has mild symptoms that affect their work performance or social function during times where there are high levels of stress, and the Veteran may use medication to manage symptoms.
  • 0 percent. This rating is given if there is a GAD diagnosis, but the Veteran is not displaying symptoms that impair their work performance or social function, and they do not require medication.

Providing Proof for Your Claim

An experienced Veterans benefits attorney can help get you the highest rating for your disability. The higher the rating, the more compensation you are entitled to receive. An attorney can help prove that GAD is service-connected, and can make sure you have the required documentation to prove your claim. There are several things you will need to prove, such as:

  • Current diagnosis of GAD from a qualified healthcare provider
  • That an in-service event or incident led to the anxiety disorder
  • Medical nexus showing that GAD is linked to a service-connected event or incident

If your claim is denied, an attorney can help with the appeals process.

Contact Our Veterans Benefits Attorney

If you are a Veteran with generalized anxiety disorder, contact the office of Sean Kendall, Attorney-at-Law, for a free, no-obligation consultation. We will work to protect your legal rights and help maximize the benefits you deserve. Call us today at 877-629-1712 or contact us online to find out more.


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