A study by the Rand Corporation by Rajeev Ramchand documents the toll that is exacted for those who care soldiers who are wounded both physically and emotionally.
Not surprisingly, these caregivers tend to be ignored as most attention is given to the injured soldiers. However, even for them, there can be an emotional and physical price; these caregivers are spouses, parents, children, and other relatives of the wounded. They lose time from work, can suffer physical injuries themselves, be isolated and experience depression.
Clearly, caregivers need recognition of their own problems. For instance, they need information on care giving for the injured, their own support programs that include mental health counseling and respite. Many of the injured are young, and their caregivers will face years of taking care of them.
These caregivers need to be a priority, too.
VA does offer compensation and checks to caregivers of veterans, called the Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers Program. If you are caregiver for a disabled veteran, check your eligibility for compensation.