Attorney Sean Kendall successfully introduced new and material evidence and proved service connection for a veteran with a skull fracture, seizure disorder, and loss of smell and taste.
Antonio Was at a Sanctioned Barbeque When His Life Was Changed Forever
Antonio couldn’t have seen his injury coming. He was at a sanctioned going away barbeque enjoying food and a few beers. Late in the event, he leaned against the hood of a parked car as he talked to a friend. The car was suddenly turned on and moved, knocking Antonio to the ground. He was unconscious for 12 days before waking up in the hospital, where he learned that he had fractured his skull.
At First, Antonio Was Denied Disability Benefits
A veteran is eligible for disability benefits when she or he can demonstrate that her or his disability is the result of “an injury or disease that was incurred or aggravated while on active duty or active duty for training.” However, when Antonio submitted his claim for benefits, he was unfairly denied. The decisionmaker claimed that Antonio’s disability was a result of his intoxication rather than his service. At that point, Antonio was faced with a challenging task: proving that the actual cause of his injury was his service. Luckily, he had the help of Attorney Sean Kendall.
Attorney Sean Kendall Successfully Introduced New and Material Evidence, Thereby Winning Antonio’s Case
Attorney Sean Kendall helped Antonio bring his claim to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals where he successfully introduced several pieces of critical evidence which made the Board aware that Antonio did not fall because he was intoxicated, but rather because another service member suddenly moved the car he was leaning on. The Board was convinced, and Antonio was finally able to secure the disability benefits he is entitled to.
How You Can Prove Service Connection and Win the Benefits You Deserve
If you or a loved one have been denied disability benefits due to a lack of service connection, don’t hesitate to contact us. With decades of experience appealing denials and unacceptable rating decisions, we are confident we can win you the benefits you deserve. When you are ready, send us a note or call us at (877) 629-1712 to discuss the possibility of an appeal.
Disclaimer: All names and places have been changed to protect confidentiality. All cases are different and results will vary depending on the facts. Call us at (877) 629-1712 to discuss the facts of your case.